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Statement From Phoenix FOP Lodge 2 On April 30th Line Of Duty Assault

On the night of April 30th, a Phoenix Police officer responding to a domestic violence report near Central Avenue and Thomas Road was attacked and severely beaten by the suspect, 24-year-old Rudy Gomez. The officer – who remains hospitalized in serious, but stable condition post-surgery – suffered multiple injuries after being repeatedly punched and stomped, including fractured eye sockets, lacerations to his forehead and the back of his head, a fractured septum and a fractured nasal bone.

“My rage just came out,” said Gomez, according to court documents.

Let us be abundantly clear: While the public in the City of Phoenix rightfully expects the utmost professionalism from our police officers, the members of the Phoenix Fraternal Order of Police also have expectations. We expect the PPD to fully support the men and women who risk their lives in the line of duty. We also expect the legal system to project the public and police officers by holding criminal suspects fully accountable for their actions.

In this case, the PPD’s initial statement about the incident played down the officer’s injuries as something less than the brutal assault he faced. Worse, in a shocking abdication of his judicial duty, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Skiff ignored the County Attorney’s request for a $100,000 cash bond for Gomez, and instead required only a $60,000 secured appearance bond.

Such a low bond for an offender with a prior record and who was charged with seven crimes – including two Class 2 felonies for assault on a police officer – is patently absurd.

Every FOP member very much appreciates the support of the public for everything we do, and for their support of this officer after an attack that left our colleague fortunate to escape with his life. Like you, the FOP stands outraged at such a brazen assault – and at such a weak response by those who should know better and who must do better.

Being a cop is a dangerous job, never more so than today in 2023. Phoenix police officers will continue to answer the call and stand in harm’s way. We hope you will be there for us in the fight against evil, and as we work hard to keep our city and its families safe. Thank you.

Please keep our fellow officer in your hearts and your prayers.

Lodge 2 Phoenix

