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Statement From National FOP President Patrick Yoes On The Disgraceful Comments By Greg Kelly On Officer Mike Fanone

Statement from National FOP President Patrick Yoes

WASHINGTON, DC - I was sickened and disgusted by the recent attacks on cops staged by Greg Kelly, a former journalist and now talking head for Newsmax. His recent segment with Julie Kelly questions the character and upbringing of Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Officer Michael Fanone in a remarkable way. They suggest that Officer Fanone responded to a full-blown attack on the U.S. Capitol and Members of Congress and then allowed himself to be viciously beaten and repeatedly tasered by a violent mob, in order to trigger a heart attack or heart attacks so he could then claim to be suffering from mental trauma from the incident in order to give Democrats a political talking point.

They suggest his attendance at exclusive schools as a kid means his decision to serve as a police officer for 18 years, his wearing flannel and his accent must be an act, “clearly” making him a deep-cover Democratic agent. Mr. Kelly went so far as to tweet that perhaps Officer Fanone, who was dressed in riot-gear and an MPD uniform while defending the U.S. Capitol, was mistaken for an antifa foot soldier by his attackers. I wonder if that means all the other officers injured by the violent mob that day were similarly misidentified. Make no mistake: Officer Fanone and all the men and women who responded on that day are heroes, plain and simple.

At the same time, the political left is attacking the Fraternal Order of Police, implying that our endorsement in the 2020 election means that we are now willing to ignore the violence, the injuries to our officers—including the deaths of four officers connected to the events of January 6th—and the widespread, despicable, criminal activity to advance a right-wing political agenda. Despite this unfair and untrue criticism, our members put on their uniform every day in every community in our country because of their unwavering commitment to serve the public—service they perform because of their sense of duty and dedication, not political affiliation.

Meanwhile, the right is accusing us of being antifa or traitors to our nation because our officers did not step aside and allow for the occupation of the U.S. Capitol and leave Members of Congress and their staff to the mercy of a violent mob.
The fact is that we’re just cops. We reported for work that day and were confronted with rioters who planned for and intended to attack people inside the U.S. Capitol—and attack they did.

The fact is that we, as law enforcement officers, leave our personal politics at the stationhouse door. We protect and serve the community, we follow the lawful orders of our superior officers, and we conduct ourselves as professional law enforcement officers.

The left and right would have you believe that the events of January 6th were a battle between the forces of good and evil. On that day, during those terrible moments, it was just the police against a violent, criminal mob. When you encounter violence and criminality on that scale, you don’t stop to contemplate ideological or any other motivation—you bring the violence to an end using all lawful means and then you identify and prosecute the offenders. This is what is happening—hundreds of people that committed crimes that day have been charged, are in jail, and have been or will be prosecuted.

The officers on that day did what they had to do to protect the Capitol and its occupants. Just as today and each day going forward, the FOP is doing what we have to do—support, defend, and assist our members, especially those who are still recovering from their injuries—physical and mental—as a result of the events of January 6th.

Thank you and God bless America and the men and women who defend her.

Contact: Jessica Cahill, Press Liaison

(202) 547-8189 |

