Determined to build a more professional alternative to traditional law enforcement representation.
Fraternal Order of Police Phoenix Lodge 2
‘‘No one knows the dangers and the difficulties faced by today’s police officers better than another officer, and no one knows police officers better than the F.O.P.‘‘

Our Mission
The Fraternal Order of Police Phoenix Lodge 2 represents the interests of Phoenix Police law enforcement professionals. We are the voice of FOP members who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving our communities. We are committed to improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those we serve through education, legislation, community involvement and employee representation.
Stay Up-To-Date
Membership Meetings are held the Second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m
Arizona FOP License Plate

If you are a current or retired Peace Officer in the United States and a current or life member of the FOP, you are eligible for the Arizona FOP license plate.
For Members Only

About the AZFOP
The Arizona Fraternal Order of Police is committed to improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those we serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation.

Why You Should Join Us
Determined to build a more professional alternative to traditional law enforcement representation we formed the Phoenix Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 2. The Lodge is dedicated to supporting ALL Phoenix Police Department employees in the pursuit of fair wages, employment stability and better working conditions.

We Support
Phoenix Lodge 2 supports many individual officers in need, their families, charities, and local organizations. Lodge members along with law enforcement officers from around the state host a variety of events to raise money and awareness to help support local law enforcement officers in need of assistance.